Midterm Corrections
Import the libraries you will need.
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_california_housing
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
Create your DoKFold
def DoKFold(model, x, y, k, standardize=False, random_state = 146):
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
kf = KFold(n_splits=k, shuffle=True, random_state=random_state)
if standardize:
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler as SS
ss = SS()
tr_scores = []
te_scores = []
mse_train = 0
mse_test = 0
for idxTrain,idxTest in kf.split(x):
xtrain = x[idxTrain,:]
xtest = x[idxTest,:]
ytrain = y[idxTrain]
ytest = y[idxTest]
if standardize:
xtrain = ss.fit_transform(xtrain)
xtest = ss.transform(xtest)
tr_scores = np.mean(tr_scores)
te_scores = np.mean(te_scores)
train_pred = model.predict(xtrain)
test_pred = model.predict(xtest)
tr_total = 0
te_total = 0
n = len(train_pred)
m = len(test_pred)
for i in range(0,n):
diff = (ytrain[i] - train_pred[i])
diff_sq = diff**2
tr_total += diff_sq
mse_train = tr_total/n
for i in range(0,m):
diff = (ytest[i] - test_pred[i])
diff_sq = diff**2
te_total += diff_sq
mse_test = te_total/m
return tr_scores,te_scores,mse_train,mse_test
Import the California Housing data
data = fetch_california_housing()
x = data.data
x_names = data.feature_names
x_df = pd.DataFrame(data=x, columns=x_names)
xy_df = x_df.copy()
xy_df['Target'] = y
Question 15
Which of the below features is most strongly correlated with the target?
MedInc (median income)
AveRooms (average number of rooms)
AveBedrms (average number of bedrooms)
HouseAg (average house age)
The above command reveals, in the ‘Target’ column, that MedInc is most strongly correlated with the target as its correlation coefficient is largest.
Question 16
If the features are standardized, the correlations from the previous question do not change.
ss = StandardScaler()
tform_x = ss.fit_transform(x)
tform_df = pd.DataFrame(data=tform_x, columns=x_names)
The correlations are exactly the same as before.
Question 17
If we were to perform a linear regression using only the feature identified in question 15, what would be the coefficient of determination? Enter your answer to two decimal places, for example: 0.12
ans = (0.688075**2)
Rounded to two decimal places, this is 0.47.
Question 18
Perform a linear regression on standardized data.
What is the correlation coefficient of the testing data?
lin_reg = LinearRegression()
tr_scores,te_scores,mse_train,mse_test = DoKFold(lin_reg, tform_x, y, k=20, standardize=True, random_state=146)
print(np.mean(tr_scores), np.mean(te_scores))
print(np.mean(mse_train), np.mean(mse_test))
- 0.6063019182717753
- 0.6019800920504694
- 0.5224239582328265
- 0.5605458408715165
The testing coefficient is 0.60198.
Question 19
Next, try a Ridge regression with the given parameters.
from sklearn.linear_model import Ridge, Lasso
rid_range = np.linspace(20,30,101)
rid_avg_tr_score = []
rid_avg_te_score = []
rid_tr_mse = []
rid_te_mse = []
for a in rid_range:
rid_reg = Ridge(alpha=a)
train_scores, test_scores, mse_train, mse_test = DoKFold(rid_reg, x, y, k=20, standardize=True)
idx = np.argmax(rid_avg_te_score)
print('Alpha max: ', rid_range[idx], 'Train max: ', rid_avg_tr_score[idx], 'Test max: ', rid_avg_te_score[idx], 'Train MSE: ', rid_tr_mse[idx], 'Test MSE: ', rid_te_mse[idx])
- Alpha max: 25.8
- Train max: 0.6062707743487987
- Test max: 0.602011168741859
- Train MSE: 0.5224653779415789
- Test MSE: 0.560803373017799
Question 20
Next, try a Lasso regression with the given parameters.
las_range = np.linspace(0.001,0.003,101)
avg_tr_score = []
avg_te_score = []
rid_tr_mse = []
rid_te_mse = []
for a in las_range:
las = Lasso(alpha=a)
train_scores, test_scores, mse_train, mse_test = DoKFold(las, x, y, k=20, standardize=True)
idx = np.argmax(avg_te_score)
print('Alpha max: ', las_range[idx], 'Train max: ', avg_tr_score[idx], 'Test max: ', avg_te_score[idx], 'Train MSE: ', rid_tr_mse[idx], 'Test MSE: ', rid_te_mse[idx])
- Alpha max: 0.00186
- Train max: 0.6061563795668891
- Test max: 0.6021329052825213
- Train MSE: 0.5226201002196856
- Test MSE: 0.5614601136061196
Question 21
Which of the three models estimates the smallest coefficient for the variable that is least correlated?
least_corr = 'AveBedrms'
idx = xy_df.columns.get_loc(least_corr)
lin = lin_reg.fit(tform_x, y)
las = Lasso(alpha=0.00186)
rid = Ridge(alpha=25.8)
print('Ridge coef: ', rid.coef_[idx])
print('Lasso coef: ', las.coef_[idx])
print('Linear coef: ',lin.coef_[idx])
- Ridge coef: 0.3012752123596445
- Lasso coef: 0.2803974316329972
- Linear coef: 0.3056962298043105
Question 22
Which of the models estimates the smallest coefficient for the variable that was most correlated?
most_corr = 'MedInc'
idx = xy_df.columns.get_loc(most_corr)
lin = lin_reg.fit(tform_x, y)
las = Lasso(alpha=0.00186)
rid = Ridge(alpha=25.8)
print('Ridge coef: ', rid.coef_[idx])
print('Lasso coef: ', las.coef_[idx])
print('Linear coef: ',lin.coef_[idx])
- Ridge coef: 0.8288892465528167
- Lasso coef: 0.8200140807502059
- Linear coef: 0.8296193042804506
Question 23
If we had looked at MSE instead of R2 when doing our Ridge regression would we have determined the same optimal value for alpha, or something different?
rid_range = np.linspace(20,30,101)
rid_avg_tr_score = []
rid_avg_te_score = []
rid_tr_mse = []
rid_te_mse = []
for a in rid_range:
rid_reg = Ridge(alpha=a)
train_scores, test_scores, mse_train, mse_test = DoKFold(rid_reg, x, y, k=20, standardize=True)
idx = np.argmin(rid_tr_mse)
print('Alpha max: ', format(rid_range[idx], '.5f'), 'Train max: ', rid_avg_tr_score[idx], 'Test max: ', rid_avg_te_score[idx], 'Train MSE: ', rid_tr_mse[idx], 'Test MSE: ', rid_te_mse[idx]
We get a different value of alpha.
Question 24
If we had looked at MSE instead of R2 when doing our Ridge regression would we have determined the same optimal value for alpha, or something different?
las_range = np.linspace(0.001,0.003,101)
avg_tr_score = []
avg_te_score = []
las_tr_mse = []
las_te_mse = []
for a in las_range:
las = Lasso(alpha=a)
train_scores, test_scores, mse_train, mse_test = DoKFold(las, x, y, k=20, standardize=True)
idx = np.argmin(las_tr_mse)
print('Alpha max: ', format(las_range[idx],'.5f'), 'Train max: ', avg_tr_score[idx], 'Test max: ', avg_te_score[idx], 'Train MSE: ', rid_tr_mse[idx], 'Test MSE: ', rid_te_mse[idx])